Experience the gripping narrative from Seasons 1-3 of the Shingeki no Kyojin anime
Over 40 playable characters! Additional playable characters
Take up new equipment with the Thunder Spear and the Anti-Personnel Omni-Directional Mobility gear!
The new gaming experience follows Shingeki no Kyojin’s Season 3 adventure through the actions of specific characters; capturing all of the conflict of the popular anime series like never before. Taking place throughout Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3’s timeline, Final Battle’s Story mode plays through selected characters’ points of view with major heroes active in Season 3 – now playable for the first time – boosting the total number of playable characters to over 40. In addition to the content covering all three seasons of the popular anime series, developers will also include original episodes to create a more fulfilling Shingeki no Kyojin experience.