Embark on the adventure as Remi and her companion Lore, who are sucked into the magical world of Ragnoah and need to find their way out
“Hack and slash” and cast magic to battle fearsome mechamonsters and engage in epic boss battles
Melee and ranged magic combat styles can be changed based on over 200 different weapons found in the world
Journey through the procedural levels for unlimited replay value and a unique gameplay experience every time!
Gameplay modes include single-player Story Mode (as Remi or Choux) and two-player Co-Op Mode
Battle through the colorful world of Ragnoah in summer, fall, winter and spring; each season features vastly different lighting styles
Adorn Remi and Choux with various costumes
RemiLoreis a “rogue-lite” anime-style adventure set in a colorful world where players hack and slash their enemies and cast devastating magic attacks using twin-stick controls!
Remi, an ordinary high school student, has awakened Lore, a talking book who is a self-proclaimed “master” of magic. Together, they are drawn into the magical world of Ragnoah, which has been overtaken by mecha-monsters. Remi and Lore must venture together and find their way home, but can Remi really trust the mischievous magic book Lore? Who is the mysterious android girl “Choux” and why does she want to capture Lore? Will Remi ever find her way out of the magical world and return home?