Based on the award winning manga series, Kekkaishi: Kokubourou no Kage allows you to experience the thrills of battling monsters as a Kekkaishi first hand.The game is staged in Karasumori, a place that nurtures and attracts supernatural beings. To protect the place from being swarmed by these strengthening demons, junior kekkaishi Sumimura Yoshimori and Yukimura Tokine are exterminating them night after night.The main idea of the game is to clear missions and process with the story, and the farther your progress with the game, the more mini missions you can unlock. The goal of the game is to beat the Kokuburou organization led by Kaguro.Search for monsters in various places in Karasumori. Control the characters through your nunchaku and Wii remote control. Move the characters via the analogue stick on the nunchaku and aim your Wii remote control at your target. Press the A button once to hold your seal in place, flick it upwards to enlarge it, then press the B button to exterminate the monster within.Get used to these simple controls and learn other tricks to face off with the fearsome beings that stalk your home town.