In 2012, the first television anime was broadcasted, and in 2014, the new edited version was animated with the second period of 2014, and the theatrical version of the PSYCHO-PASS Psycho Psycho Psycho Psycho Psycho Psycho Pass continues to the Xbox One, and the PS4&PS Vita game! In addition to the familiar characters in the anime 1st season, the new characters from the game such as Sumeko Oshizuko, Takumasa, and Alpha. Psycho password that can only be experienced in the game
The game theme song artist is "Dignified and Shikuru". As with the anime, it is decided to be a "Jikurai as a dignifier". The reedit version of the song "abnormalize" is included
The PS4 version works with smartphones and tablets. This work works with games if you have a smartphone or tablet device. You can experience the world of "PSYCHO-PASS Psycho Pass with a realistic immersive feel