From the Global Million-Seller anime/manga series One Piece comes the latest installment of“One Piece Unlimited”, One Piece: Unlimited World Red! Developed by Ganbarion and designed by famed series creator Eiichiro Oda, this is the game that fans of the Strawhat Pirates have been waiting for. One Piece: Unlimited World Red will surely give an amazing adventure where all the details from one Pieceuniverse will be perfectly pictured!
Experience the New Age of One Piece:
Get ready to set sail in a never-before-seen scenario of the game where the new world will be heightened with adventures and cruises. Featuring all of the Straw Hat crew members, 4 player co-op and open-world elements, mini-games like fishing, bug-catching, and more, and prepare for epic famous boss battles against Crocodile, Rob Lucci, Caesar Clown, and many others! Pull the anchor up and experience the exciting grand adventure of the Straw Hat Pirates!