“Sumikkogurashi” are the characters living a quiet and solitary life in the corner. They might be able to settle down when they’re in the corners but they don’t like being in the center of the room. When they’re taken to the center of the room, they always rush back to the corner.
The goal in the game is to prepare special classrooms and facilities such as gymnasium or pool for the Sumikkogurashi. It also features over 100 furniture types. Build a school forSumikkogurashi and take good care of them by watching them eat their lunch, wander about hallways, and more school activities. Fun-dress Sumikkogurashi with 186 types of costume. The items include school uniforms and sailor suits, as well as jackets and white robes like those worn by teachers. The roles change depending on the clothes you wear and also features eight club activity-themed mini-games, a a fortune-teller corner to see affinity among friends, and more!