Shin Gundam Musou by Bandai Entertainment is a thrilling mecha-action game for the PlayStation Vita, combining the epic scale of the Gundam universe with the fast-paced hack-and-slash gameplay of the Musou (Dynasty Warriors) series. Known as Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn outside Japan, this title immerses players in legendary battles with iconic Mobile Suits and pilots across multiple Gundam series.
Relive the greatest moments from the Gundam franchise with high-speed combat, massive battles, and a roster of Mobile Suits and characters that span the series' rich history. From the original Mobile Suit Gundam to newer installments like Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, Shin Gundam Musou lets fans experience the Gundam universe like never before.
Massive Roster of Mobile Suits and Characters
Immersive Story Mode
Action-Packed Gameplay
Ultimate Mode
Multiplayer Action
High-Quality Visuals
Customizable Loadouts
Shin Gundam Musou is perfect for fans of the Gundam series and action-packed Musou-style games. With its expansive roster, faithful storytelling, and intense gameplay, it offers an unparalleled experience for both Gundam enthusiasts and newcomers to the franchise.
Pilot legendary Mobile Suits and battle your way through Gundam’s greatest moments in Shin Gundam Musou on PS Vita!
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