"The story of witches aiming for the future is never ended." The anime "Little Witch Academia" produced by TRIGGER has become the first game in PS4! Kagari Atsuko entered the prestigious school of Ronova to aim for the witch "Shiny Chario" witch at childhood. The final examination is completed, and the witch's school is good for tomorrow, summer holidays. The headline is "Lunova Seven Wonder" outside of the report office! The seven wonders of the old talk of hundreds of years, are the inexplicable phenomenon of the Lunanova School of Magical and the "forbidden magic" hidden in the seven magical wonders! Witches looking for the future with the excitement action adventures of the witches are now opened!
Explore action to experience the world of Lunanova School of Magics! Freely control the main character Kagari Atsuko and run around the classroom, cafeteria, and library school to uncover the seven wonders associated with the Lunenova School of Wizards!
Authentic Sidescroll Action: Use magic with 3 friends to experience authentic side-scrolling action such as Dungeon Attacks, Boss Battles, and Gimmick Elements. You can enjoy the little witch action of the fragile aradoki
Characters move around like watching the anime! Equipped with the unique "Visual Harmony System" VHS (Visual Harmony System) that moves like the anime. The world of "Little Witch Academia" has been reproduced with PS4
From the original TRIGGER anime parts! For the original story of the game, this is an animation studio TRIGGER, which is highly popular from both domestic and abroad