Breaking from the trends set by the previous installments, Harukanaru toki no nakade 4 no longer transfers the heroine from present Japan to the past, instead, the game transfers her to a fantasy land called Toyoashira.The heroine Ashihara Chihiro is a normal high school girl until one day, a mysterious man informed her that she is a princess from another world. Following this alarming piece of news, a battle with a monster ensues where she discovers her powers as well as that of her teacher and best friend.More discoveries about her past and her fallen country are made when she wakes up in the world she fled from when she was a child. After battles against monsters she realized her role in this calamity as Ryuujin no miko and that to revive her country, she has to go to war with the enemy nation that has invaded her's in the first place.During her adventures, she met up with a number of charismatic men, starting from her teacher and her best friend. But as a princess, falling for these men are prohibited, together with the troubles that romance brings, Chihiro has to face the final battle with her bow and arrow as her only true ally.